CHEN Juncheng,SU Wenji.Discussion on the Characteristics of Soil Nails under Different Earth Pressure Modes[J].,2019,39(03):121-127.[doi:10.13512/j.hndz.2019.03.018]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Discussion on the Characteristics of Soil Nails under Different Earth Pressure Modes
- 作者:
陈俊成1; 2; 宿文姬1; 2
1. 华南理工大学 土木与交通学院土木工程系,广州 510640,2. 华南理工大学 华南岩土工程研究院,广州 510640
- Author(s):
CHEN Juncheng1; 2; SU Wenji1; 2
1. School of Civil and Transportation,South China University of Technology,Department of Civil Engineering,Guangzhou 510640,China;2. South China Institute of Geotechnical Engineering,South China University of Technology,Department of Civil Engineering,Guangzhou 510640,China
- 关键词:
土钉支护; 土钉力; 简化计算方法; 增量法
- Keywords:
Soil nailing support; Soil nail force; Simplified calculation method; Incremental method
- DOI:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The soil nail support system has been widely used as an economical and effective support method. However, the theory of soil nailing calculation is still relatively lacking, far behind engineering practice, which seriously restricts the development of soil nailing technology. Based on the simplified method of soil nailing calculation proposed by Yang Guanghua[1], this paper simplifies the background of four different soil pressure models and compares the soil nail force distribution under different soil pressure modes. The results show that the active earth pressure and total force according to the side wall are adopted. The soil nailing force is equal and considering the influence of the construction process and the simplified calculation method of the soil nailing force is simple, and the triangular soil pressure distribution mode and the trapezoidal(2) earth pressure distribution mode are simplified by using the other two soil pressure distribution modes. The results obtained are closer to the monitoring results.
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